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Florida Child Support Lawyer

Florida Child Support Lawyer – Here’s How We Can Help Your Family

Child Support Attorney

In this article, we break down:



Going through a divorce can be a traumatic experience – especially for a child. An already difficult situation is made worse when both parents don’t agree on how to share parental responsibilities, including the financial obligations of parenthood – also known as child support.

If you and your ex-spouse don’t see eye-to-eye on child support, the court will ultimately make the decision for you. A judge will hear both sides and make a determination on custody and child support arrangements.

Both parents need to leave the marriage with enough support to care for their children and create as little change to their kids’ daily lives as possible.

It’s a crucial factor in any divorce case, which is why you should never argue your child support case alone. A child support attorney is the best way to ensure you receive the outcome you want and get the support you need for your child.

A child support lawyer is not only by your side in court. They’ll help you through the entire legal process related to your case.

Your attorney will:

  • Discuss and explain what to expect at each stage of your child support case
  • Examine your case and provide legal advice as to how to proceed
  • Estimate child support payments
  • Represent you at court hearings
  • Negotiate your case
  • And be your family law advocate

Your attorney will help you secure the basic needs of your child, including the daily expenses of raising them, childcare, medical care, education, extracurricular activities, and other needs as applicable.

Both parents are responsible for contributing to the support of their child. Typically, the parent who does not have custody of the child for the majority of the time ends up paying support to the other parent. The terms of child support in Florida are calculated based on the Florida Child Support Guidelines.

Hiring a Child Support Attorney Is an Investment in Securing the Support You Need

There are many types of divorce cases best handled by a child support attorney, including:

Cases Where Parents Don’t Agree. When couples don’t agree on the support or custody arrangement, a judge will step in and make the decision. Having an attorney by your side during this process will help ensure you get the arrangement you want.

Cases Where Your Ex-Spouse Has an Attorney. If your ex-spouse has a child support lawyer, so should you. Their lawyer will understand the court system, likely know the judges, and will be advising your ex-spouse as to the best way to get the outcome they want. In these cases, you should have an attorney supporting your interests and rights as well.

Cases Involving More Complicated Child Support Calculations. A child support attorney will know the information a judge uses to calculate the exact amount of child support owed in each divorce case. An attorney will help you understand the amount and work to make sure you receive a fair portion of the total support available.

Cases Where Child Custody is Also Needed. If you’re fighting to get the support you need, chances are that child custody is also a challenge in your divorce case. Hiring a child support attorney is crucial if you’re fighting for custody of your children and, subsequently, negotiating for enough support to provide for them when they’re in your care. An experienced Florida child support attorney will help you get both.

Cases with Child Support Modifications. After the divorce case is settled, the child support arrangement can still be modified if and when there are changes to employment, living situation, or any other number of factors. Having a child support attorney by your side whenever modifications must be made will put you in a stronger position to increase or maintain the support you need.

Other Situations Where You Want a Florida Child Support Attorney by Your Side

Even in seemingly simple divorce cases, a child support attorney may still be worth the investment. If your case involves any of these scenarios, consider hiring a child support lawyer.

  • There’s a custody case pending
  • You don’t have a way of enforcing child support
  • Child support payments are no longer sustainable with your current financial situation
  • You’re unsure of the amount of child support you will receive
  • Paternity hasn’t been proven
  • Child support is set to end soon but you still need financial support for your child

If You Need Help Reducing Support Payments, a Florida Child Support Attorney Can Help

If you find yourself needing to reduce child support payments due to a change in circumstances, like job loss or a health issue, a child support attorney can support you through the process.

Your lawyer will file a petition requesting a reduction in payment. If the petition is a request based on job loss, whether the job loss was voluntary or involuntary is less of an issue of concern in Florida compared to whether the state determines you’ve put effort into finding new employment.

If, however, you voluntarily left your employer and the court determines you did so to avoid child support payments, you’ll likely be obligated to continue paying the support, with or without employment.

What Does the Investment in a Child Support Attorney Look Like in Dollars and Cents?

Every Florida child support lawyer has a different payment structure and rate. Most charge on either a retainer basis, by the hour, or for a flat fee. If your attorney has years of experience, you’ll pay more than for an attorney with less experience.

Call Larry Schott Today at 954-880-1302 For a Free Case Evaluation

Contact us today for a free family law case evaluation. We’ll listen to your case and explain your rights. When you’re ready to work with an experienced child support lawyer to help you with your child’s financial needs, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page or give us a call at (954) 880-1302.