Alimony in Florida

Divorce is an emotionally challenging time for families, but it can be financially devastating, as well. Whether you’re trying to get the alimony support you need from your spouse or ex-spouse or you’re trying to ensure you’re not giving your spouse or ex-spouse more alimony than they need, it’s important to understand the process, so you can find a plantation divorce lawyer who can best protect your financial well-being.
If you earn less than your spouse or you’ve chosen to dedicate time away from your career to raise your children, you have the right under the law to seek alimony to better secure your financial future. Likewise, if you earn more than your ex-spouse, you shouldn’t have to pay more in alimony than you can afford.
Larry Schott helps families navigate the often-difficult alimony process and reach an outcome that’s in their best interest. He brings clients over 30 years of legal expertise along with the compassion and attention that only a small family law firm can offer.
Learn More About Alimony in Florida
- What You Need to Know About Alimony in Florida and How to Win Your Case
Alimony is one of the most contested factors in a divorce case. Understanding the types of alimony, the rules, and the processes of alimony is necessary for protecting your financial well-being. - Your Guide to Successfully Modifying Alimony in Florida
Alimony modification in Florida is possible as long as one ex-spouse experiences a substantial change in circumstances. Understanding alimony and what constitutes grounds for modification can help you receive the amount of alimony you deserve or pay your spouse a fair amount. - Enforcing Alimony and Child Support Orders and Judgments
What happens when one spouse, or both, fails to live up to their financial responsibilities under these arrangements? - What is Marital Property? – Case Examples
Read these three case examples that discuss factors a court may consider in determining what property is a marital asset when awarding alimony. - Case Examples of Alimony Modification: Remarriage or New Relationship
Use these examples to gain insight into how an alimony modification works when an ex-spouse has entered into a new marriage or a new relationship. - Case Examples of Alimony Modification: Inheritance and Gifts
Learn how inheritance and gifts may affect your alimony obligations in Florida and how the courts have ruled in these cases. - Case Examples of Alimony Modification Due to Health Issues
Modifying alimony can be difficult, even when health issues are the cause. Check out these three case examples of alimony modification due to health issues in Florida. - Case Examples of Alimony And The Marital Residence
Check out cases about awarding the primary residential parent exclusive use and possession of the marital residence and cases about what happens where the home is to be sold. - Case Examples – Alimony Rent Credits For The Marital Home
The Florida Supreme Court has held that whether a party is entitled to rental value depends completely on the circumstances of each case. See our case examples showing this law applied. - Alimony Case Examples – Jointly Owned Property
Jointly owned real estate, business investments, bank, and personal investment accounts, and other assets may all be subject to varying distribution arrangements as part of an alimony award - Alimony Case Examples – Bank & Brokerage Accounts
The courts will presume these funds were meant to be a gift to the other spouse and the burden will be on the spouse seeking to have the property declared as nonmarital to show that the gift was not intended. - Alimony Case Examples – Retirement Accounts and Pensions
Depending on the action of the parties, portions of a nonmarital retirement plan can be considered as a marital asset and included in the equitable distribution scheme. - Alimony Case Examples – Credits and Offsets
Setoffs may be granted if the court finds compelling reasons including a former spouse making temporary alimony payments or payments for living expenses. - Good Faith is a Key Test in Determining Alimony in Florida
Call Larry Schott Today at 954-880-1302 For a Free Case Evaluation
Contact us today for a free family law case evaluation. We’ll listen to your case and explain your rights. When you’re ready to work with an experienced Florida family law and divorce lawyer to help with your alimony case, fill out the form on our Contact Us page or give us a call at (954) 880-1302.
Update: A change in the law eliminated permanent alimony for cases filed on or after July 1, 2023. This is why we say these articles are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Florida law is always changing and the facts of each case are unique, which can impact the outcome of a case. Therefore, we strongly recommend talking with an experienced Florida divorce lawyer to learn your rights. Learn more about the changes to permanent alimony in Florida and how we can help.